Well hello there.

Welcome to the blog archive of Nerdverses, formally known as Perspectives of the Common Fan.

Here you will find my archived blogs from 2008 until early 2015 before I ventured off to build a new brand called Nereverses. Starting in May of 2016 you'll find all my blogs related to Nerdverses over at www.nerdverses.com. Thank you to all who was a part of my early adventure and I welcome anyone to join me for the next chapter. Enjoy!


Friday, June 13, 2008

Feels good to be back!

Welcome one and all to Perspectives of the Common Fan. I'm sure I'll have people reading this who either 1.) Don't know who I am, B.) Is a personal friend and just reading because I said so, or 3.) A previous reader or fan from my days at TNAWrestlingNews.com. Either way, I appreciate the look/read.

First off a big thanks to my buddy Lauren over at A Whole New Game who introduced me to this site. It seemed to be a good fit for me after a few months on hiatus from writing. I figured this way I can just write when I feel like it and not feel guilty about being able to contribute to a particular website and can write about all things Professional Wrestling instead of just TNA. And believe me, I shall try to keep it just to that. Who knows though, I'm crazy, and just may rant about something else. 8>D

I want to start this little piece on the fact that I am very privileged to say I watched one of the best episodes of TNA Impact! in what feels like a year. A lot of my friends and family will tell you that I've been very critical as of late, especially with the editing of the show. The complaints were everything from too many commercial breaks, or rather, them being in the wrong place, or something that isn't needed in a wrestling broadcast (A la a music video). However last night, it's great to say these were not issues.

TNA is coming off their 6th anniversary show, Slammiversary, and while that was a decent PPV, actually a pretty freakin' good one, it still seemed to lack something. Something TNA seems to have lacked a lot in the past few months. And that lack I believe is something that goes along the lines of, I haven't looked forward to it nor did I really feel sucked into the matches. I don't know why. I watch every week religiously with my Grandparents (You'd be amazed how much they love this stuff, and are knowledgable. They're both reading Ric Flair's bio now, lol) and yet finally, last night on Impact! I was on the edge of my seat. The only main storyline was AJ Styles and Kurt Angle continuing from their great match at Slammiversary (Match of the night easy.) and when it comes down to the nitty gritty that is the wrestling, there were 6 matches, 4 had NO commercial breaks. We got at least 5-7 minute matches with no commercials! Amazing. The main event was longer so I understand that, and then there was a match that was restarted, so that was understand able as well.

Not to mention what adds to this is a fresh tag team rivalry in two of the best young heavyweights, Robert Roode and "Cowboy" James Storm, against the tag champs LAX. This means quality matches. Hooray! And of course the start of the World X Cup. There were two preview matches featuring a team for Team Japann from Dragon Gate Promotion (Who I've seen live, incredible stuff) putting over the Motor City Machine Guns, Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin. Then we had a Russian wrestling for Team International (Led by Davari) getting put over by good ol' Curry Man. Just flat out great wrestling. AJ and Kurt Angle can rival for a while longer since we finally have our face AJ back, and the women's wrestling continues to be very, very solid. An Awesome Kong appearance at the end of the show capped a great 2 hours of wrestling programming, with about I would say almost an hour of in-ring wrestling. With commercials that's not to shabby at all. Thank you TNA for finally delivering, I'll probably watch them despite any flaw, but let's keep this rolling for a while or how about, as long as the company exists eh?

So those were my exciting and Pulitzer Prize worthy thoughts on Impact! In closing here I'll wrap it up with a favor from anyone reading this. Wish me luck winning Vinny Mac's Million Dollar Giveaway. Yes, that's the favor. Not so bad eh? Feel free to send me any questions or comments at jeatonbucfan@gmail.com. Until next time peeps!

-The Common Fan

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