Well hello there.

Welcome to the blog archive of Nerdverses, formally known as Perspectives of the Common Fan.

Here you will find my archived blogs from 2008 until early 2015 before I ventured off to build a new brand called Nereverses. Starting in May of 2016 you'll find all my blogs related to Nerdverses over at www.nerdverses.com. Thank you to all who was a part of my early adventure and I welcome anyone to join me for the next chapter. Enjoy!


Monday, April 19, 2010


Passion is a pretty powerful word. It can be meant in a lot of different ways, and in many different planes of activity. I'm sure if Daniel Bryan would have gotten his chance to promo about this last week, he could explain it better. :D

But all kidding aside, passion is something that is a huge factor when trying to accomplish a task or goal. Something that people are passionate about isn't something to be cast aside, but embraced and given respect to.

There are things in life that people are passionate about. It's amazing however, the subjects that spark that passion. For some, it's wrestling. It's an amazing business that I give anyone credit for not only having a passion for, but to anyone that is involved directly, or who has survived being in it. Speaking as someone who isn't anywhere close to this industry other than the couch or in a forum, I speak in terms of the simple fact that I would defend wrestling as long as I live. A predetermined product? Yes. Entertainment? Yes. But not as fake as many would like to believe. I call those people ignorant to be honest, who just sit there and say being a wrestler is "easy". To travel a long road where your body takes a beating, to walking out through a curtain in front of thousands of people where mistakes just aren't acceptable. That is the real definition of passion. Wrestling can be a great metaphor of passion on so many different levels.

An example of this caliber is the April 19th RAW show. The quality of the show aside, athletes who work 300 days a year with this brutal travel schedule should be commended. Because with that passion, comes a loyalty that each and every person who steps in a ring showcases. And that loyalty is to those watching at home, and to those sitting in the audience. This should be an example to not only wrestling fans, but anyone, of what passion is all about. It can apply to pretty much anything. With the unfortunate change to RAW tonight, sure, it wasn't a great show, but to come back from a long, grueling tour and having to perform again with little sleep, the Smackdown staff needs to be given credit where credit is due. It's a perfect example one thing that I have to admit wrestling has done for me on a personal level, as I hope it has for others. Whether management gives them the orders or not, without passion, situations like this could be even worse.

My passion with wrestling of course comes to a source of entertainment outside the ring. This comes from not only what wrestling has motivated me towards, but also from what I've seen here at the Torch, as my passion has been to not only write again, but to expand into the world of podcasting, and I'm not looking back. Don't worry, no plugs will be handed out here, however the whole point of this was to express my perspective on what passion relates too in all aspects of wrestling. Whether it be in a performer's case, or in that of any fan. I hope others have experienced the same things I have throughout their time being a wrestling fan. Granted, many times the product can be horrible, but at others, it's some of the best entertainment money can buy. Wrestling is the perfect example of when out of something bad, always comes something good.

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