Well hello there.

Welcome to the blog archive of Nerdverses, formally known as Perspectives of the Common Fan.

Here you will find my archived blogs from 2008 until early 2015 before I ventured off to build a new brand called Nereverses. Starting in May of 2016 you'll find all my blogs related to Nerdverses over at www.nerdverses.com. Thank you to all who was a part of my early adventure and I welcome anyone to join me for the next chapter. Enjoy!


Monday, May 3, 2010

A Large-Scale Development Show?

So recently we had the always fun NFL, er, WWE Draft. It brought up some interesting things in my opinion. And one of those being how Smackdown is now stacked in terms of it's huge, beyond over stars. The fact of the matter is that there really aren't any. But is that really a bad thing? Let's take a look.

The way I see it (And feel free to respond with your own perspective), the ball is in WWE's court with the fate of Smackdown. I don't foresee it ever going under, but they can either use the new roster to create new stars, or use it as a show that is a second-rate show with little wrestling and silly kid-humor. I certainly hope that it isn't the latter. Right now, you only have Rey, Punk, Undertaker, Big Show, and Swagger as "title contenders". I hope this gives room for guys like Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, and Kofi Kingston to work their way into the main even scene. It's a great opportunity that I feel if done correctly, can really benefit the WWE down the road. It seems that Raw is stacked because it's the only show they care about. Is that because it's the bigger money-making show? Or is TNA playing a factor as well being on Monday nights? Those are just a handful of questions that are being asked. The answer to both of those could very well be yes.

With Smackdown moving to SyFy it's going to be very interesting to see how this all plays out. I would imagine that Smackdown's new "identity" would be that it becomes a large-scale development show. Of course we're not talking NXT here, but it'll be a show I know I'll still try to catch when I can for the sake of seeing younger talent on TV getting ring time, promo time, etc. I'm trying to personally keep the optimistic view as unfortunately this could end up being a horrible year for Smackdown.

If it's not however, we could see a great change in the main event scene with fresh talent holding major gold. It'd be nice if that gold was given more credibility, which could begin with Swagger having a long title reign as the current World Champion. The same can be said for Raw but that's a completely separate issue. Smackdown has always been known to be the best show WWE has for wrestling. Even if new stars are created, this can still be the case. Heck, many times I believe wrestling is overlooked as the way to create a new star. This leads into the whole subject of jobber matches. In a nutshell, those would be a great way to help young talent get over, whether it be a face or a heel. The odds of this happening though? Very slim to none I'd say.

Negativity aside, I'm really looking forward to this "season" of Smackdown. I think the way the roster has been shifted really leaves room as well for rookies from NXT to debut at the "next level". It's another opportunity that I think shows that WWE usually has more up their sleeves then they at times like to show. Either way, there will always be odd booking decisions and downright stupid booking decisions. But in the end, let's all hope that this is all for the greater good in the universe. (Get it? WWE Universe? LAUGH. >.<)

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