Count me as one of the many Bryan Danielson fans. Without a doubt he is one of the most entertaining wrestlers I've ever seen in a ring, in person or on TV. I was also one of the many shocked when he was kicked off of NXT. "WHY ARE THEY DOING IS?!" *tears*.
But in all seriousness, while surprised, I knew this wasn't the end for "Daniel Bryan". To be fair, if WWE seems to invest in a performer, they're going to go as far as they can unless they get either A. no reaction, or B. rub people the wrong way backstage and get the boot before even getting the chance. Thankfully, Danielson seems like a class act who wouldn't have that problem. The question now becomes how to use him, or rather, what their plan is for him.
It's commonplace for wrestling fans to root for their favorite indy stars who move up through the ranks and ultimately find the promised land known as the WWE. I can't think of anyone who is more an an example of this journey than Bryan Danielson. With the recent turn of events regarding "Daniel Bryan", I can see the WWE taking advantage of the tougher Bryan Danielson character that many know and love. Some of the most entertaining matches he's had have been in my opinion, when he's worked as a heel. And while I can't see them going that route with the current character, it's not out of the question. The guy is a submission machine and had the talent and ability to pull off whatever WWE may ask of him.
I can also see them going back to him and the Miz. The edgier Bryan Danielson can surely put on some good matches with the Miz if given the TV time and a PPV slot or two. This would also give the Miz a huge chunk of heat. The US title would be a good spot for him to start because this way the WWE can see how the crowd reacts to him not only returning from being knocked off NXT, but also the reaction he gets as a champion.
When it comes down to it, if this were to even occur, the fact that someone of his caliber came from indy promotions across the world, all the way to holding gold in the WWE, would be a feat that wrestling fans could get behind. In the end, it could desperately lead to creating that new "star" the WWE so desperately needs in this day and age.
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