Well hello there.

Welcome to the blog archive of Nerdverses, formally known as Perspectives of the Common Fan.

Here you will find my archived blogs from 2008 until early 2015 before I ventured off to build a new brand called Nereverses. Starting in May of 2016 you'll find all my blogs related to Nerdverses over at www.nerdverses.com. Thank you to all who was a part of my early adventure and I welcome anyone to join me for the next chapter. Enjoy!


Saturday, July 3, 2010

So happy together.....

Tag team wrestling is a lost art. Many of us know that. Recently on Perspectives of the Common Fan we've had a blast yapping about our top wrestlers whether they be high-flyers, technicians, the best of all-time, etc. These discussions have been great! So why not continue that? This week on Tuesday at 9 PM EST we'll have a Common Debate segment on the best tag team of all time. You're about to get a bit of a taste with my top five tag teams list. Feel privileged! I kid. But let's get rolling shall we?

1.) The Hart Foundation

*These are the first guys who come to mind when I think of tag team excellence. They could play either the face or heel to perfection and always had the crowd in the palm of their hand. Jimmy Hart was icing on the cake for the team as heels but the wrestling is what made me a fan. The old school psychology that a tag team should use is what it's all about. It sucked fans in, and they were the masters of the hot tag and dirty heel double team. My number one by a mile.

2.) The Road Warriors

*It's impossible to have this list without the Legion of Doom. The amazing look, great ring presence, and fantastic charisma make these two one of the best ever. I always dug when they had their promos that began with the usual "WELLLLL..." from Hawk. They maybe didn't have the longevity of other teams, but for a while, they were the best.

3.) The Rock and Roll Express

*These are one of those teams that I had to really go back and watch because of the time they were in but man... Incredible. Incredible energy and charisma that led to the crowd eating up whatever they did. They were masters of selling, and the hot tag that put over any heel team they went up against. They were one of those entertaining, high-flying teams that paved the way for The Rockers and Hardy Boyz who followed in their footsteps.

4.) The Brainbusters

*I've always been a huge mark for the 4 Horseman and these two, in my opinion, are easily Hall of Famers, and that's as singles competitors. Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. Just their names sound threatening. I promise you this, if Arn had Tully with him last Monday night, that Nexus beatdown would have never happened. These two personified what a heel tag team needs to be, I remember their great work with the Rockers and the Hart Foundation and it still blows me away to this day. They made the crowd hate them, and if I would have been a fan sitting in the front row, I would have thought for at least a few minutes that they wanted to kill whoever was standing across from them in the squared circle.

5.) Edge and Christian

*As a kid, I hated these guys. Man, they drove me crazy. But they grew on me and in my opinion are the funniest tag team of all time. Of course it takes more than that to make any kind of list like this. They're in ring chemistry was second to none amongst tag teams in wrestling history. They gelled together and always entertained. The crowd could either hate them or love them. Not to mention, their ladder matches with the Dudleys and the Hardys will always stick out in my mind as long as I live. I'm still dying to see a reunion of some kind, make it happen WWE Creative!

So there you have it. Nothing to over the top this week, although two honorable mentions in my opinion are America's Most Wanted, The British Bulldogs, Steiner Brothers, Team 3D, The American Wolves, the Briscoes (Both ROH and NWA versions), Speed Muscle, the Motor City Machine Guns, the Young Bucks, and the Hardy Boyz. My girlfriend would attempt to destroy me if there was no mention of Matt and Jeff Hardy. Ha. And yes, I know I've missed teams like DX, the New Age Outlaws, the Outsiders, etc. but hey, I could only fit five, and there were about a dozen more just for fun, heh. 8>)

We'll of course discuss this in-depth more on our show this Tuesday at 9 PM EST! Be there peeps and spread the word, because well, we hope there are other readers and listeners like you fine lady or gentleman reading right now. You all have a perspective, so tell us!

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Quick Common Fan fast fact- The first time I ever saw wrestling was the Stars and Stripes team of the Patriot and Marcus Bagwell vs. Pretty Wonderful. It started it all for me on a Saturday morning in last 1994, WCW Saturday Pro Wrestling. And speaking of Stars and Stripes, I hope everyone had a very happy, safe, and explosive 4th of July! God Bless America!

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