Well hello there.

Welcome to the blog archive of Nerdverses, formally known as Perspectives of the Common Fan.

Here you will find my archived blogs from 2008 until early 2015 before I ventured off to build a new brand called Nereverses. Starting in May of 2016 you'll find all my blogs related to Nerdverses over at www.nerdverses.com. Thank you to all who was a part of my early adventure and I welcome anyone to join me for the next chapter. Enjoy!


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

PotCF Episode #50! Oh snap!

Welcome everyone to the 50th episode of Perspectives of the Common Fan! A milestone if you will. We're incredibly thankful to have had the support of many, fans and wrestlers alike. Has this been the biggest podcast in existence? No. Do we really care about that fact? Nope. Why? We love wrestling, and I'm just trying to make this show as unique as possible, especially when it comes to Independent Wrestling. I don't think enough shows cover the crazy talent that exists outside the WWE/TNA so I hope that our show can be a good source of support to those hard-working talents, as well as just the usual common perspective for all wrestling fans alike.

I want to quickly thank all the people below who have come on the show and have been a part of this fun, year-long journey that's just beginning and that has opened up all sorts of opportunities;

*Steve Eaton
*Moe Eaton
*Jeff Coiro
*Sam Holland
*Jennifer Ball
*Kevin Brittingham
*Sean Radican
*Robert McClearren
*Dallas Page
*Kenny Bolin
*Ray Lloyd
*Chris Shore
*Larry Dallas
*Gabe Sapolsky
*Jonathan Cruz

Without these guys, we wouldn't have had a show. And without listeners/readers, well, again, no show. :)

So please continue to support us everyone and we would love to get more feedback and comments on anything wrestling related, and even stuff non-wrestling related! Believe me, somehow I'll get them to relate. So kick back, relax, and enjoy our 50th show including the likes of the uber-talented promoter Gabe Sapolsky, and... Steve. Yes, he's back. I'm thrilled. >.< Apologies in advance for the so-so quality for the show this week too. With no Internet at my new house it was an obstacle to put all this together. So spread the word and leave us some love on our Facebook and Twitter pages!

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