Well hello there.

Welcome to the blog archive of Nerdverses, formally known as Perspectives of the Common Fan.

Here you will find my archived blogs from 2008 until early 2015 before I ventured off to build a new brand called Nereverses. Starting in May of 2016 you'll find all my blogs related to Nerdverses over at www.nerdverses.com. Thank you to all who was a part of my early adventure and I welcome anyone to join me for the next chapter. Enjoy!


Sunday, July 3, 2011

PotCF Episode #54!

Howdy again peeps, it's time for another long awaited Perspectives of the Common Fan! Steve and I yap about the best wrestlers ever, and how we form our lists, TNA, WWE, Sting, CM Punk, ROH, and more! Spread the word and excuse the audio at times on my end. It's a new mic and while I thought it sounded good at times, it lowers the volume for no reason at times. My technical expertise has been lacking lately in terms of the Internet, network, and Skype. We'll be taking some time off as I finish school but will be back in a few weeks so stay tuned and thanks for all the support as we near 100 followers on Twitter! Don't forget to like our Facebook page too!

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