Well hello there.

Welcome to the blog archive of Nerdverses, formally known as Perspectives of the Common Fan.

Here you will find my archived blogs from 2008 until early 2015 before I ventured off to build a new brand called Nereverses. Starting in May of 2016 you'll find all my blogs related to Nerdverses over at www.nerdverses.com. Thank you to all who was a part of my early adventure and I welcome anyone to join me for the next chapter. Enjoy!


Monday, November 7, 2011

Episode #62- Gabe Sapolsky talks DGUSA's Triple-shot weekend, concussions and more!

Welcome back everyone, this week we've got Gabe Sapolsky nice enough to join me on a Saturday afternoon and we talk the upcoming DGUSA Triple shot weekend, concussions in wrestling, how their new stars are improving show to show, and how he views wrestling to where it's not as stale as most of the TV products on the air today. I also talk to my buddy Mike and we talk the 1999 Royal Rumble. Lastly, some feedback is sorted through from YOU the listeners. Thanks for the support and enjoy the show! Oh, and spread the word of course.

For more information on the Dragon Gate USA shows next week, visit dgusa.tv. Thanks a ton for Gabe taking the time to come on the show. You rock sir. :)

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