First to the important matters. How did my predictions fair?! Well, here they are;
*ShowMiz vs. Truth/Morrison- Right
*Legacy Triple Threat Match- Wrong
*MITB Match- Wrong
*Triple H vs. Sheamus- Wrong
*Rey vs. Punk- Right
*Bret vs. Vince- Right
*Jericho vs. Edge- Right
*10 Diva Tag Match- Wrong
*Cena vs. Batista- Right
*HBK vs. Taker- Wrong
Record- 5-5, woot!
A .500 record ain't to shabby I'd say.
The ones I missed were toss ups I think in my defense but hey, I'm not perfect and it gives me some reason to watch if it's not what I think.

Overall, in a summary, this was a great PPV for me. I admit, I go easy on Wrestlemania's because I love being a part of this huge event either in person or on TV. I enjoyed it more than last year and about the same as the year before. A solid 9 for me although if I pick at it, could be more like an 8. But I think despite some low points, the high points more than made up for it and the mid-card was extremely solid. Here's a quick pro and con list before this common fan hits the sack;
*Mid-card matches- Triple HHH/Sheamus and the Rey/Punk matches were really solid in my opinion.
*Title matches- Call me old fashioned, but the slow-paced title matches for me I really enjoyed. Can't say that enough. Worth it for me with two solid matches that for me were three to four stars.
*Ending/Main Event- Unbelievable. The finish, HBK, Taker helping him up, the crowd reaction. A feel-good moment and one that almost brought a tear to my eye.
*MITB Winner- I like Jack Swagger and him winning I hope bodes great things for him to come.
*Divas- Blah. Thank goodness for the ref in that one! At least he knew how a wrestling match went.
*Bret Hart/Vince- Now I did enjoy this and give Vince credit for including the family, but drawn out too much for me. Hart was good for what it was though I thought, I didn't expect much and I think that puts an entertaining, somewhat funny cap on what used to be a bitter feud between Vince and Bret.
*Short matches- Opening was a bit short for me and with less video packages this can be avoided, but I understand the case for those. Just a bit of a bummer personally.
Well, I hope you all enjoyed the show as much as I did! Have a great night and I look forward to seeing where tomorrow night and the Draft ahead take us. Lastly, thank you HBK for a fantastic ride.

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