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Welcome to the blog archive of Nerdverses, formally known as Perspectives of the Common Fan.

Here you will find my archived blogs from 2008 until early 2015 before I ventured off to build a new brand called Nereverses. Starting in May of 2016 you'll find all my blogs related to Nerdverses over at www.nerdverses.com. Thank you to all who was a part of my early adventure and I welcome anyone to join me for the next chapter. Enjoy!


Monday, March 22, 2010

My favorite time of the year.

Who's with me? Nope, not because of March Madness, but either way, everyone should be happy this time of the year. It's Wrestlemania week! Later on in the week, probably around Friday or Saturday I'll have posted my predictions for the show but until that time I have some other interesting gibberish I'd like to share with my peeps.

On a quick note, Destination X was yesterday, and I've heard it wasn't that great for the most part. Honestly, from what I've read, I'd have to agree but I haven't honestly seen it. I wanted to relate something though to TNA that I find very true about the wrestling business. Ironically both have to do with Eric Bischoff. >.<

Lately it seems that TNA has been going way back to the past in a lot of their programming. I've seen so many references to the mid-90's and even the late 90's that it's laughable. However, no worries, this isn't a TNA bashing session as some things I still enjoy watching within the programming itself. Heck, at a few points in the PPV last night, that seems to still hold true even if they don't help the overall product. But to me, wrestling is wrestling. And recently as I listened to Wade Keller's PW Torch Talk with "Controversy Creates Cash" himself, there is something I cannot agree more with. This is in regards to his point of view with what wrestling is, and how you go into any kind of competition. To be honest, the funny this is it's hard to say if he's doing that now with TNA, but that's another issue for another day.

"Wrestling is art." I believe is a direct quote from Mr. Bischoff. I couldn't agree more. I used to be that guy who argued that wrestling is a sport in some ways, with competition and ways to unfortunately cheat. While I still think you can cheat to move up in the business (Such as using performance enhancers or steroids to improve your look and marketability), wrestling is always going to be about the ability to make your opponent look as good as they can, and for both individuals to work seemlessly to put on an act that draws in the audience and makes you believe that it's real. I love this about wrestling. I really do, and I think you can't put it any better then he did in that interview.

With that being said, in regards to competition, he also mentioned his method of being as different as possible. This of course worked for him at the start of Monday Night Nitro back in 1996 and is part of the reason he was so successful during that time period. Unfortunately we all know how that ultimately turned out, but even in today's time, I think so myself, why he doesn't try that more with TNA. Maybe it is trying to be different, but is going to the past the same thing? Not in my mind, but who knows at this point in the game what is really going on behind the scenes there. The same goes for WWE in relation to MMA. Let's say for example that MMA gets HUGE, and threatens WWE in some way. Does that mean they go to the MMA style? Add matches like that? I don't think so at all, and in that case, WWE should follow the same formula they always have, and in addition, take some of what Bischoff did in the past and apply it to them. What makes them different than MMA? This way your not trying to be something your truly not. Of course this isn't something for them to worry about now, but simply a hypothetical situation.

I just found all of that incredibly interesting and related it to how I see wrestling as a common fan sitting on the couch loves this stuff week after week. And even if I hate it, it's still meaningful in some way and brings me back to childhood, memories with family and friends, etc. Most important of all, in this interview Eric mentioned how companies should be proud of what they are. If you're a wrestling company, be proud of it! Heck, I'm proud to be a wrestling fan and am never embarressed to admit it. I'm not saying TNA or WWE are either, even if WWE tends to not use the term "wrestling" very often anymore.

So kudos to some of those insights from Mr. Bischoff. Yes, we all know at times he's an egotistical maniac and we second-guess a ton of decisions his makes, but giving credit where credit is due, those were some great perspectives. This common fan can't agree more. I love my wrestling, and I love being a fan. Hopefully with this kind of attitude TNA can have faith he can turn things around, but with so many other variables, it's still a task to behold. He's not innocent of things in the past, but someone with those ideals I don't see intentionally flushing a product down the toilet. He came off pretty well I believe in that interview and kudos to Wade as well for conducting it. Wrestling is by far my favorite kind of art, and one I'm never afraid to high up and look at in amazement on a weekly basis; whether it's a masterpiece of some finger painting by a three-year old.

Keep an eye out later in the week peeps for a Wrestlemania 26 predictions and even as I post this, I want to wrap up saying I definitely can't give Eric Bischoff a pass after that horrible PPV last night, it seems he's thinking old = different. Newsflash; not true when it's executed like the whole show was last night. Wow. But once again, stay classy all you keyboard-typing geeks and happy Wrestlemania week!

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