Before the yapping because, be sure to tune in to Perspectives of the Common Fan Wednesday night at 9 PM EST for an episode where Steve and I talk about building a promotion from the group up. At least, what we would do as fans. So granted we may not "know it all", but interesting nonetheless. Don't miss it!
Moving on though, if we DID get the chance to re-build wrestling from the ground up, what would be what we look forward to the most? Those answers should be simple. The matches and angles of course. So which ones would we like to see? There are always a plethora of "dream matches" and "dream angles" wrestling fans think about. They'll either come up with them sober, talking to friends, or maybe after having a bit to much while trying to watch one of TNA's Thursday Shows. I kid. But in all seriousness, here are a few of my personal wishes, starting with the dream matches. Just a few that popped into my head.
*Davey Richards vs. Randy Orton. Two of the most intense guys in the business. Yes please.
*AJ Styles vs. John Morrison
*Bryan Danielson vs. Shawn Michaels (If he were to ever come out for another match.)
*The Miz vs. Roddy Pipper vs. The Rock (Come one, it'd be hilarious with pre-match promos.)
*The Briscoe Brothers vs. Masato Yoshino/Naruki Doi (If it's never happened before.)
What about you readers? Throw out your dream matches with current/semi-current performers. I kind of cheated with Roddy Pippy but hey, it's my blog. >.< And what's a good match without an epic setup or climactic angle? Well, for starters, haven't you always wanted to see a meaningful feud with Rey Mysterio and another masked luche libre'. Why not Rey and El Generico? Generico can get easy heat for jumping Rey, stating he's insulted his heritage. The irony of course being that, well, it seems that El Generico has no heritage whatsoever. Well, I know I'd be interested at least. >.<
Lastly, there have been many times in past wrestling lore with stable storylines. To have that again, done properly, would bring up a lot of interest in new wrestling fans. Many times these type of angles seem to get watered down, (See the end of the first NWO-era) but
So in a nutshell, as a common wrestling fan, I'm just like the rest of those who wish that in times where the programming wrestling has to offer isn't quite as intriguing as in times past, why not do a little wishful thinking? If we could choose from the whole pool of wrestling talent across the globe, you'd surely get a cluster of awesomeness from time to time. After all, every team in sports has their ups and downs. Unfortunately, yet not surprising, professional wrestling is no different.
Hardys Vs. Midnight Express(Eaton and Lane)
Hardys Vs. Rock N Rock Express
Angle Vs Flair(in his prime)
Superstar Billy Graham Vs. The Rock
Those are great ones Carl! Thanks for the thoughts! >.<
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