We Are One
"...We live to change the face of history
...We are one, we will stand together
...The chosen ones
...We are the bold united souls
...We will fight forever...
We are one and we won't tire..."
So the NXT Season 1 Rookies invaded RAW on June 7th, 2010. Here we are almost two months later, so... How has it gone? Personally it's been a bit hit and miss for me at times, but overall I think it's been good for WWE and primarily a success. As readers already know, I'm fairly easy to please with WWE programming. I know it's not perfect, but I understand that wrestling isn't always the most realistic brand of programming, heh. The way I see it, as the angle grew from NXT to the Nexus, other things have grown as well.
Without a doubt despite some flaws, every week I look forward to hearing the Nexus theme, and seeing what they have to say or do. And I have to say, thank goodness they finally changed the entrance them. So much better than the annoyingly happy tune of "Wild and Young".
So beginning with the pros (Aside from the awesome lyrics of their new theme song you read at the start of this blog. More on entrance themes maybe in the future, stay tuned!)...
*Mic time- I've been impressed at the mic time they've given most of the group. It's a positive thing in more ways than one to showcase these performers if WWE were to ever give them a chance to make it in the singles realm.
*None of the Nexus ever travel alone- This shows the sense of unity within the group and from an angle standpoint, explains why none of them have really been picked off minus what John Cena did to Darren Young.
*The Nexus don't wrestle much, minus last week- I find this a pro simply because it's a good hook for the viewers to want to see them in action minus a 7 on 1 beat down. It's one of those things that should be saved for a PPV and that's what WWE is doing.
*Dominance- The key for a successful invasion in my eyes is posing a threat week in and week out. I loved how the faction was introduced, and minus the loss of Bryan Danielson, the chemistry between the group is very good and despite the looks of some guys, they all look to mean business.
*Wade Barrett- He's been a fantastic leader for the faction. Great gimmick, look, wrestling ability, and the man can talk. I love listening to his promos and the exchanges with John Cena have been very good because of it. WWE picked the right guy to lead Nexus, that's for sure.
And then of course there are the cons including some worries I had going in-
*John Cena beating each of them up one week at a time or bi-weekly- So far this hasn't been an issue as I stated above but it could still happen. Hopefully not as Cena's done a good job putting the young talent over. I do believe after SummerSlam however that they need to make this less about Cena and Nexus, and more about WWE and Nexus. This leads to...
*What happens after Summerslam- In a way, I wish Team Cena's focus wouldn't be about ridding WWE of Nexus, but more about weakening Nexus and figuring out why they did the things they've done to everyone and anyone who got within eye contact of the group. It would make for a bit more of a "What if" factor with the fans.
*Lastly, the loss of Bryan Danielson- This really affected the Nexus for a good week or two. The loss of a guy with his talent and the "edge" he gave the angle really had me doubting where it would go after the fact. I still say he can be brought back in a HUGE way, but how he was let go, and the reasons we were given just flat out sucked. Hopefully WWE can find a way to make this right as the angle moves along.
As you can see most of the cons are potential cons, and hopefully in the end they don't end up hurting the angle.
Will the angle with Team Cena at Summerslam continue to put these young performers over and bring in more viewers and PPV buys? One would like to hope so. I think the key for WWE from the perspective of a common fan is to give the Nexus an image that pulls away from the NWO comparisons as well as other past "invasion" angles. The way it's gone so far to me has been impressive, if not somewhat predictable. Either way though, there is a load of promise for not only this angle, but the stable as well. This could go down as one of the best angles of all time (Yeah, I said it) if they have Bryan Danielson return to help take down Nexus. Heck, I'll even take him coming back to help them. It'll be very interesting as we close out the year and by then, I strongly believe that Wade Barrett will be a household name for WWE fans.
Shameless plugs:
Don't miss Perspectives of the Common Fan this week, August 4th, on www.blogtalkradio.com/potcf! We'll have a special guest, none other than Kenny "The King" Bolin of Ohio Valley Wrestling and the hit podcast, The Bolin' Alley! Don't miss it and make sure you call in and ask Kenny any questions you'd like for the whole hour of the program from 9 to 10 PM EST this Wednesday!
Also, in two weeks we'll have Ray Lloyd, otherwise known as Glacier on Perspectives of the Common Fan! Ray currently has a website over at www.glacierhealthyliving.com that promotes personal fitness healthy eating habits and he currently is working with Lawrence B. Erlich, M.D of Celebration, FL on "Imagine Your Recovery", a parent program of “Wresting With Addiction”. It's great to see these things going on to help those who need it, especially in the wrestling business. See the press release below for more information and be sure to check out Perspectives of the Common Fan August 11th, for a special one hour show featuring Ray Lloyd!
Oh, and I'm sure this would help- Call in each week at 9 PM EST by dialing 347-855-8188! Many thanks peeps.
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