Welcome wrestling fans one and all, or maybe just a few, to the latest blog entry for Perspectives of the Common Fan. Usually this is where I'll grace readers with insightful thoughts on something wrestling related but this week we're going to go about things a bit differently.
Recently I was planning on attending a party with my tag team partner in the realm of podcasting, Steve to watch last night's Summerslam event. A massive party of... Just the two of us. >.< However, it turns out that before I even got there, we had to cancel because he got sick. What a wimp. Ha. Sorry Steve. Sooo... The following is my usual common thoughts via reading results. I can't get the full picture obviously, but a different perspective nonetheless.
Intercontinental Championship: Dolph Ziggler (C) vs. Kofi Kingston-
I was pretty excited for this match so the non-finish was a pretty big disappointment. I understand the logic though, as getting more heat on Nexus for the big main event makes sense, but does it have to happen this way? Eh, not a fan, but either way I hope it's not the last we see of this feud over on Smackdown.
Divas Championship: Melina def. Alicia Fox (C)-
I honestly could care less that this match even took place. And heck, I forget sometimes there is even a women's division. With that being said though I was a bit surprised that Melina went over so quickly from coming back from injury. Not shocking, but still. The more important point, do I care? Not really. Sorry ladies. >.<
3-on-1 Handicap Match: Big Show def. The Straight Edge Society-
I was never really interested in this one from the start and it seems that the SES is just being put through the motions. Why put Big Show over here? I guess that's why I'm not booking as I would have liked to see a debut for another mystery member of sorts but sadly that didn't occur. Either way, the match was described as forgettable minus the usual brilliant mic work from CM Punk.
WWE Championship: Randy Orton def. Sheamus (C) via DQ-
Well, most people now are crapping on this finish, but I really can't see it being done any other way. Does it suck? Yep. But does it protect both guys the most? Unfortunately yes again. Honestly though when creative is backed into a corner like this, why even book the match? Just some questions I was asking myself as I read the results but either way I enjoy work from both of these guys so I wasn't shocked either to see it go down this way. Seeing a pattern here?
World Heavyweight Championship: Kane (C) def. Rey Mysterio-
Hey everyone, guess what?! The Undertaker is back! And get this; Kane put him in a vegetative state! Who didn't see that coming? I kid of course, as the pattern with this show was pretty much the predictability. Again though, I think the booking made sense and I really think that Kane is one of the hardest workers in the company and thus deserves his title reign. Kudos for the job by all men including one of the only clean finishes of the night.
Elimination Tag Team Match: Team WWE def. The Nexus-
So yes, we all know that Super Cena made a return. At first I was disgusted before realizing that this can still work out to WWE's advantage with pushing younger talent. How this can be done can be debated but either way, we all know Nexus won't leave that quickly and the big news really isn't John Cena going over, it was all about Daniel Bryan making his return. Although the Miz cost him the match by getting him eliminated, it seems that the wrestling world is certainly abuzz about what he plans to do next. Will he go after Nexus? The Miz? At this point who knows but my money is on the Miz. He was able to get some offensive moves in during the match and show off him submission skills. Smart move by WWE and the match seemingly was the best of the night. I still think Barrett stealing a win would have benefited WWE move, but I can't call for Cena's head, because the booking makes sense. Does that mean it's the most interesting way to go about it? No. To put the most positive spin on this I look at it this way;
A former ROH champion was in the main event of Summerslam, WWE's second biggest show, along with SEVEN other wrestlers who were in FCW just about 4 months back. Incredible to say the least and I have to commend WWE if anything for those facts alone. Overall, an average show I'm kind of glad I saved the money on, but some newsworthy subjects came out of it with some good matches near the end nonetheless.
So now we have RAW tonight, where will things go? How will Daniel Bryan be used? Will the Miz have to answer to Team WWE, along with Jericho and Edge? I'm very interested for one and with that said, be sure to check out Perspectives of the Common Fan this Wednesday at 9 PM EST for Steve's thoughts on Summerslam and our thoughts on RAW tonight! Head on over to www.blogtalkradio.com/potcf or call/E-Mail us at 347-855-8188 and potcfpodcast@gmail.com. Until then, this has been your perspective from a common fan.
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